羅欣藥業集團股份有限公司(股票代碼002793,簡稱“羅欣藥業”)子公司山東羅欣藥業集團股份有限公司今天上午通過云簽約方式與韓國醫藥企業JW Holdings在線簽署合作協議。針對JW Holdings旗下第三代三腔袋全腸外營養品Winuf?,JW Holdings將授予羅欣藥業在中國內地、香港特別行政區、澳門特別行政區開發和商業化該產品的獨家權益。目前中國國內尚無含魚油三腔袋全腸外營養品上市。據悉,JW Holdings為歐洲GMP認證的首個亞洲該類產品生產廠家。
Shandong Luoxin Pharmaceutical Group Stock Co., Ltd. , subsidiary of Luoxin Pharmaceutical Group Stock Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: 002793, hereinafter referred to as "Luoxin Pharmaceutical"), signed an exclusive license and distribution agreement with JW Holdings through an online ceremony this morning. The agreement grants Luoxin Pharmaceutical the exclusive right to develop and commercialize Winuf? under JW Holdings in the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Macau. Winuf? is a three-chamber total parenteral nutrition (TPN) product and so far there are no commercialized TPN products containing refined fish oil on the Chinese market. Besides, JW Holdings is the first Asian TPN manufacturer certified by European GMP.
Launched in South Korea in 2013, Winuf? has also entered the European market. It consists of 4 lipid components, as well as glucose and amino acids. It’s suitable for patients who are not capable of enteral nutrition feeding, for malnutrition patients under high-dose radiotherapy or chemotherapy, and for patients with severe digestive dysfunction, etc. Winuf? contains a higher content of refined fish oil than other existing products, and promotes the improvement and recovery of immunity in patients. The domestic sales of Winuf? in South Korea were recorded as KRW 55.7 billion last year. According to IQVIA, the three-chamber TPN market is growing rapidly, with the average growth rate over the three years (2017-2019) of 9.1% globally and 25.5% in China.
根據協議條款,羅欣藥業將承擔Winuf?在中國境內的臨床研究、注冊和商業化相關活動。JW Holdings將獲得預付款,負責產品制造、供應,并按中國未來產品銷售額獲得相關里程碑付款和特許使用權費用。JW Holdings首席執行官Sung Kwon Han表示:“我們相信羅欣藥業的臨床研究和商業化平臺能夠幫助我們將Winuf?順利引進中國市場。我們也希望借此契機將Winuf?推向全球市場,并期待未來與羅欣藥業拓展更多合作空間?!?/p>
According to the terms of the agreement, Luoxin Pharmaceutical will undertake the clinical research, registration and commercialization of Winuf? in China. JW Holdings will receive the upfront payment, be responsible for product manufacturing and supply of Winuf?, and obtain sales milestone and tiered-royalties from Luoxin Pharmaceutical based on future sales in China. “We believe that Luoxin Pharmaceutical's platform of clinical research and commercialization can help us successfully introduce Winuf? into the Chinese market. We also hope to take this opportunity to promote the global opportunities of our product, and look forward to expanding our cooperation with Luoxin Pharmaceutical in the future, "said Sung Kwon Han, CEO of JW Holdings.
“我們很高興與JW Holdings達成此項合作協議,也期待相關產品盡快進入中國市場并造福相關適應癥患者。” 羅欣藥業董事長劉振騰表示,“公司近年來與多家韓國企業合作,攜手促進多種優秀的產品和療法進入中國。我們將繼續堅持自主與合作研發的雙軌模式,打造更多能夠經受市場考驗的潛力管線,為客戶、病患和社會各界創造最大的所需價值空間!”
"We are very pleased to reach agreement with JW Holdings. We hope Winuf? will enter the Chinese market and benefit patients with relevant indications as soon as possible," said Ryan Liu, CEOof Luoxin Pharmaceutical. "In recent years, Luoxin Pharmaceutical has formed strategic partnerships with many Korean enterprises to introduce excellent products and therapies into China. We will attach equal importance to independent and cooperative R&D, create pipeline that can withstand the market test, and bring more value to customers, patients and the society! "
關于JW Group
其旗艦子公司JW Pharmaceutical擁有包括抗癌藥物在內的各種創新藥研發渠道。JW Life Science則是一家專門從事醫用注射劑生產的子公司,每年生產和供應800萬種綜合營養素,該公司也擁有全球最大的環保非PVC醫用注射劑工廠。
JW控股除管理子公司之外,還直接負責集團原材料、藥品和醫療器械的海外業務。JW Holdings在韓國交易所上市,股票代碼為“096760”。
About JW Group
JW Group has been leading the Korean market for therapeutic drugs based on respect for life and the founding philosophy of pioneering spirit since its foundation in 1945. In 1959, the nation's first medical hospital solution, "5% glucose," has started its local manufacture.
JW Pharmaceutical, its flagship subsidiary, has various innovative new drug R&D pipelines, including anti-cancer drugs, while JW Life Science, a subsidiary specializing in hospital injection production, produces and supplies 8 million comprehensive nutrients annually based on the world's largest plant dedicated to eco-friendly Non-PVC hospital injections.
JW Holdings is also directly responsible for overseas business of raw materials, drugs and medical devices in the group, in addition to managing subsidiaries, generating profits. JW Holdings is listed on the Korean exchange as '096760'.
About Luoxin Pharmaceutical
Luoxin Pharmaceutical Group Stock Co., Ltd. is a healthcare conglomerate corporation in China that is engaged in pharmaceutical research and development, manufacture, sales, and healthcare service. As one of the fastest growing pharmaceutical companies in China, it serves customers with high quality active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), finished products in various formulation forms (tablets, capsules, injectable, etc.), and healthcare service.
Now the company has been ranking top 100 of China's Pharmaceutical Industry in terms of overall competence nationwide, and identified as one of the “Top 20 Pharmaceutical Companies with Strong R&D Pipelines” for years. The company was listed on China's A-shares market in 2019 as ‘002793’.